Tanker & Silobus Industry

High Malleability

Corrosion Resistant,
Light and Machinable

We are at your service with a specialized product range for the tanker, silo, and transportation sectors. In our inventory, we have TÜV-ADR certified 5182-H111 and 5083-H111 aluminum alloy sheets and plates, offering the ideal choice for tanker and silo production by combining lightweight, corrosion resistance, and excellent formability. Additionally, we have extruded aluminum bars and flat profiles in 6082 and 6061 alloys for body and suspension components.


Altek provides materials compliant with the TÜV – ADR – Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

Products Used in this Sector

Alu. Tanker Sheets

Explore our specially designed 5182 H111 and 5083-H111 alloy sheets for the tanker and silo industries. Achieve top-tier performance with superior formability, welding capacity, and corrosion resistance.

Alu. Tread Plates

For areas prioritizing safety, we recommend 1050 and 5754 alloy 5-bar tread plates. The durability of 5754 ensures long-lasting use, while the attractive price-performance ratio of 1050 adds to your advantage.

Areas of Use

Explore the diverse industries utilizing alloyed aluminum, including aviation, automotive, construction, packaging, and beyond.